Tapered scheme fastener selection
Find out exactly which fasteners you need
Request a tapered scheme
What is a tapered fastener scheme?
A tapered fastener scheme is a calculation showing the optimum tube and fastener combination that can be used for securing tapered insulation on a flat roof.
Varying insulation thicknesses means using varying lengths of fasteners to hold the insulation (and membrane, if applicable) in place.
How we can help
We can work out the optimum fastener requirements for the different thicknesses of insulation for your project.
The report we can provide will include a schedule of the tube washers and fasteners, clearly labelled to match the different insulation board thicknesses.

How do I request a tapered insulation scheme?
Give us a call to find out more or fill out the scheme request below. One of our team will be in touch within 24 hours (Mon-Fri). Depending on the complexity of your project, the final scheme will be sent over to you within 48 hours. Our technical team will be available to discuss the report in detail.
Request a tapered scheme